Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Time to get political

I'm a loyal Democrat. However, as Supreme Court nominees go, Judge John Roberts is not objectionable. He's got an incredible academic pedigree, impressive experience as a Solicitor, real experience in a real law firm, and a minimal amount of experience on the appellate bench. He's NOT an academician or some radical theorist, a la Scalia. Although I no doubt will disagree with many of his rulings, once confirmed, it seems to me that the Democrats lost the White House and are a minority in the Senate -- we have to take our lumps now. The country could have done much, much worse for a Supreme Court nominee from the insufferable clown we have in the White House. It is my humble opinion that we need to save our righteous anger, indignation, and ammunition for when a truly horrific person is nominated to the Court. Judge John Roberts, by all accounts, is not the flamethrower we need to oppose.


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